Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cubic right angle weave and digital possibilities

This morning I received a call from Martha, a beader in Duluth Georgia. She had watched my videos about right angle weave and had questions.
I referred her to the June 2010 issue of BEADWORK magazine that featured my Master Class in c.r.a.w. and the pentagon pendant made entirely of Swarovski crystals, that she was drawn to. BEADWORK had sent the video cam and tripod and asked if I'd tape a little segment anout cubic right angle weave. Turns out they used nearly all that I taped and divided into two parts to show on YouTube. A few people remarked on line that the camera man was a jerk and the direction was poor but, hey, it was just me, all alone for the first time with a video camera.
Wouldnt it be great if the technology allowed me to sit before my computer and give Martha a demo of the lesson, in real time PLUS (this is the kicker) allow countless others to view it at the same time? Sure, i could probably Skype a lesson with one recipient but, to be able to permit hundreds of other people to view it in real time too would be spectacular. Hey, if you know how, drop me a line.

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