When I left early this morning for Blanche's, i knew I'd be in for a long but lovely drive. I opted for the scenic over speedy route. The foliage is beautiful and some of the trees are already bare. I'm enjoying every moment, every leaf every color.
Blanche Herself (on right, Wendy on left) took my workshop: a Bevy Of Beaded Bezels, despite an injured wrist.
Donna, visiting NYC from Australia, came too. She said I can expect to see her in Orange when I teach at in Australia in April.
Karen and Maria, experienced beaders, were quite productive and completed several bezeled rivolis.
Eileen sat next to a few trays of Blanche's extensive inventory of rivolis and Swarovski stones, that I brought into class from their special cabinet. We bezeled a couple round ones, a square, two ovals and one bezel meant to remain empty.
Pardon the shameless self- promotion but, I have to mention that I do offer kits for these beautiful, quick and easy bezels based on polygon stitch. They contain a rivoli and the recipe for a beaded bezel (use your own seed beads sizes 8, 11 &15). The kits are $15 each. Genevieve from Bead Gallery Inc, sitting with a treasure of rivolis, had been collaborating with me to make the kits...her stones with my recipe. Meanwhile, her attention as been diverted elsewhere, including moving her store from New Hampshire to Melrose Massachusettes, where i will teach next weekend. I am building my inventory of vintage and special rivolis/stones to continue to offer an array of Rivoli Bezeling kits. Today I have only a few 18mm rounds and the fuschsia dome below but I'll keep you informed as new shapes are available.
Remember, I can take credit cards now.
Enjoy these beautiful autumn days. It's like seeing the world through the eyes of Frederick Church. And a full moon to boot.
Very nice write up and pics. I enjoyed the class, fun! "Thank you' so much for a GREAT day.